Tuesday, October 12, 2010

to warm our hands and find our way

This all seems like it was a long time ago, when it really was nothing of the sort.
It was the end of last year and the beginning of this one. But we've come a long way this year.

A late night, a leafy salad, a cup of something homegrown and special, and a furry cat hiding in the corners of a very sweet friend's home.
Every time I hear her sing the words "a place to start out from," I think of this night.

It's getting dark very early and the wind is blowing strong and the snow is sneaking in the cracks. In the cold days of an arctic autumn (which seem quite a bit like winter to a southern soul), warm memories of dear ones and delicious meals do the trick like nothing else.
Can't wait to see you.

*I also think of my dear friend Jodi who took all of these gorgeous photos.

1 comment:

wwjodido said...

The food, The friends and The cat, I like this very much! We should probably always collaborate! My photos Your words 100% gold! Miss you.